Our meditation playshops are designed around the concept that integrating self-reflection and self-love from a young age is important and powerful.
The idea is that children will take their cultivated self-empowerment and the practical tools they learn and it will continue to serve them later in life.

The playshops are an on-going series focused on creative forms of therapy that result in self-healing and building genuine self-esteem. Each class is unique and always includes practical life skills, “loving the body” physical movement, various forms of meditation as well as therapeutic art during sound healing/sound baths. In every class the children learn tools about how to process emotions with an emphasis on ‘self-love’ as the foundation for personal healing. Each class teaches how to practice self-awareness in our everyday lives with modalities that are functional for every child.

Throughout the playshops, the kids get to explore many musical instruments including drums, tibetan singing bowls, rain sticks, chimes,etc. We create a safe-space where we encourage expression through a talking circle. In this, we cultivate safety in community as we openly share feelings and learn how to listen & tune into our bodies. While the kids are experiencing sound healing with crystal singing bowls, they’re meditating and creating self-reflection based art at the same time. This is an immersive journey for the soul and one that is difficult to describe in words and effortless to experience.

Our bodies are like sponges and we absorb so much energy that isn’t ours throughout our days that eventually leads to overwhelm and pain- in modern days we call this ADD, OCD, stress and anxiety. With the bowls assistance, we induce a natural state of relaxation in which the children are capable of releasing what isn’t serving them and even though each child is unique in their needs, it’s clear that the changes that the bowls create is undeniable. For more info on the crystal singing bowls, check out our Sound Healing Page (click here).

In the middle of our playshop, there’s a healthy snack break where we discuss where our food comes from and the importance of gratitude and putting good energy into all that we consume and put into our bodies. The science behind the power of our thoughts and intentions is documented in Masaru Emoto’s experiments with water and we enjoy bringing this awareness to each playshop and let the children come up with their own desires for themselves and our planet as we infuse our class’s water with all that delicious love.

Kids tend to have excess energy and it can create an intensity that builds up over time. Sometimes excess energy coupled with the child’s innate power/drive to create can lead to destructive and/or emotional outbursts. Instead of allowing this excess energy to manifest as behavioral issues, we’ve created these playshops as an outlet to shift this pattern by giving them an open platform to exercise this energy and channel emotion in healthy ways. Our belief is that having strong emotions is not the problem, it’s all in how we choose to express it.
Let’s teach kids that it’s okay to express themselves in healthy ways and thus, they become the best versions of themselves.

As providers, we feel that it’s important to stay flexible and intuitively open so each class is designed for the group that is present. Often, the children are involved in our class design, an example of this is that we ask the kids what order they would prefer to do our activities in. We’ve noticed that the children really enjoy this powerful dynamic- it’s part of building trust and displaying to them that we respect them, their opinions and their voice.
We’re passionate about keeping the playful energy where the kids feel excited about being involved as

Our philosophy enriches lives with acceptance and love; Following the idea that our wild differences are something to be celebrated. When we learn that it’s safe and important to share our stories and differences freely, we start to take notice of how much we all our truly connected – it’s what makes us human. When this type of realization in acceptance occurs, it transitions from what was once just a thought into a grounded actualization- On every level, we are changed. This form of love for being US and being ALIVE, rewires the way we think and feel and in turn, cultivates genuine compassion for ourselves and for others. Our offerings acknowledge that each child offers unique perspectives and experiences so we pride ourselves in radical INCLUSION where the needs of children who experience extra sensitivities are met with open arms and so much heart. It’s our passion to remind everyone that crosses our path how important it is to BEE WHO YOU ARE.

Check out some snippets from some of our previous Playshops during our art meditation/sound healing time:
Note: We’ve recently arranged to host our playshops at a larger space to accommodate more beautiful people.
We will update with the upcoming playshop dates after the details are secured.
Feel free to reach out to us with any questions 🙂